custom/plugins/XioniXconfig/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block page_product_detail_buy_form %}
  3. {% endblock %}
  4. {% block page_product_detail_price %}
  5. {% set has_config = page.extensions.is_xconfig.has_configuration %}
  6. {% sw_include '@XioniXconfig/storefront/page/product-detail/x_breadcrumb.html.twig' with { context: context, category: page.product.seoCategory } only %}
  7.     <div class="x-product-detail-tabs">
  8.         <div class="x-product-detail-tab tab-price">
  9.             <button class="tab-button tab-active" type="button" value="price">Preis</button>
  10.         </div>
  11.         <div class="x-product-detail-tab tab-info">
  12.             <button class="tab-button" type="button" value="info">Kontakt</button>
  13.         </div>
  14.         <div class="x-product-detail-tab tab-manufacturer">
  15.             <button class="tab-button" type="button" value="manufacturer">Mengen %</button>
  16.         </div>
  17.     </div>
  18.     <div class="product-detail-tab-content" id="tab-price">
  19.         <div class="product-detail-price-container">
  20.             {% if page.product.productNumber %}
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  24.                             {{ "detail.productNumberLabel"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  25.                         </span>
  26.                     {% endblock %}
  27.                     {% block page_product_detail_ordernumber %}
  28.                         <meta itemprop="productID"
  29.                               content="{{ }}"/>
  30.                         <span class="product-detail-ordernumber"
  31.                               itemprop="sku">
  32.                             {{ page.product.productNumber }}
  33.                         </span>
  34.                     {% endblock %}
  35.                 </div>
  36.             {% endif %}    
  37.             <h1 class="x-product-atricle-name">{{ }}</h1>
  38.             <div class="netto-container">
  39.                 <div class="price-detail-netto-headline">Netto</div>
  40.                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget-price.html.twig' %}
  41.             </div>
  42.             <div class="brutto-container">
  43.                 <div class="price-detail-brutto-headline">Brutto</div>
  44.                 {% set brutto_price = page.product.calculatedPrice.unitPrice*1.19 %}
  45.                 <div class="product-detail-price-brutto">
  46.                     <span class="brutto-price-number">{{ brutto_price|currency }}</span> inkl. MwSt. inkl. Versandkosten
  47.                 </div>
  48.             </div>
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  52.                 {% else %}
  53.                     {% set taxText = "general.netTaxInformation"|trans|sw_sanitize %}
  54.                 {% endif %}
  55.                 <p class="product-detail-tax">
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  58.                            href="{{ path('',{ id: config('core.basicInformation.shippingPaymentInfoPage') }) }}"
  59.                            title="{{ taxText }}"
  60.                            data-toggle="modal"
  61.                            data-url="{{ path('',{ id: config('core.basicInformation.shippingPaymentInfoPage') }) }}">
  62.                             {{ taxText }}
  63.                         </a>
  64.                     {% endblock %}
  65.                 </p>
  66.             </div>
  67.             <div class="product-detail-delivery-information">
  68.                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/delivery-information.html.twig' %} <p>Lieferzeit</p>
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  70.             {% if page.product.productNumber == "parking3000" %}
  71.                 <p class="product-detail-start-add-hint"><span style="font-weight: bold">Hinweis:</span><br> Für die elektrischen Schranken empfehlen wir eine persönliche Beratung durch unsere Experten! 
  72.                 Sie sind Ihnen ebenso behilflich bei der Auswahl von Zubehör. Kontaktieren Sie uns direkt unter +49 (0) 2373 17809-0 oder per <a target="_blank" href="">Kontaktformular</a>. 
  73.                 Gern können Sie auch erste Fragen im Konfigurator beantworten und uns Ihre Anfrage senden.</p>
  74.                 <span id="xconfig_start_description" style="font-weight: bold"></span>                
  75.             {% endif %}                 
  76.         </div>
  77.         {% if has_config %}
  78.         <div id="xconfig">
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  80.             </div>
  81.             <div id="xconfig_footer">
  82.             </div>
  83.         </div>
  84.         {% endif %}
  85.         <div class="xconfig_end_block">
  86.             {% if has_config %}
  87.             <div class="x-chosen-article-box">
  88.                 <div class="table-detail-headline">Ausgewählte Produktvariante</div>
  89.                 <div class="x-chosen-article">
  90.                 Ausführung:
  91.                 <span class="xconfig_description"></span>
  92.                 </div>
  93.             </div>
  94. <!--             <div class="xprice_block">
  95.                 <div class="x-chosen-article-box">
  96.                     <div class="table-detail-headline">Übersicht</div>
  97.                     <div class="x-chosen-article">
  98.                     Ausführung:
  99.                     <span class="xconfig_description"></span>
  100.                     </div>
  101.                 </div> 
  102.             </div> -->
  103.             {% endif %}
  104.             <div class="col-14 x-buy-field" {% if not has_config %} style="position:inherit!important" {% endif %}>
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  106.                     <select class="custom-select">
  107.                     {% for quantity in range(page.product.minPurchase, page.product.calculatedMaxPurchase, page.product.purchaseSteps) %}
  108.                         <option value="{{ quantity }}">
  109.                             {{ quantity }}
  110.                             {% if quantity == 1 %}
  111.                                 {% if page.product.translated.packUnit %} {{ page.product.translated.packUnit }}{% endif %}
  112.                             {% else %}
  113.                                 {% if page.product.translated.packUnitPlural %}
  114.                                     {{ page.product.translated.packUnitPlural }}
  115.                                 {% elseif page.product.translated.packUnit %}
  116.                                     {{ page.product.translated.packUnit }}
  117.                                 {% endif %}
  118.                             {% endif %}
  119.                         </option>
  120.                     {% endfor %}
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  123.             <div class="col-8 x-buttons">
  124.                     <button id="cart_primary" form="productDetailPageBuyProductForm" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-buy"
  125.                             title="{{ "detail.addProduct"|trans|striptags }}"
  126.                             aria-label="{{ "detail.addProduct"|trans|striptags }}">
  127.                         {{ "detail.addProduct"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  128.                     </button>
  129.                     <a href=" für {{ }}&body=Ihr Firmenname: %0D%0A %0D%0A Ihr Vor- und Nachname: %0D%0A %0D%0A Ihre Telefonnummer: %0D%0A %0D%0A Ihre Nachricht: %0D%0A" id="detail-config-request" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-buy">
  130.                         Produkt anfragen {% sw_icon "envelope" %}</a>
  131.                     </a>
  132.             </div>   
  133.                 <div class="x-calc-table">
  134.                       <div class="x-calc-table-firstrow">
  135.                         <div class="x-calc-table-row1">Artikel</div>
  136.                         <div class="x-calc-table-row2">Menge</div>
  137.                         <div class="x-calc-table-row3">Preis</div>
  138.                         <div class="x-calc-table-row4"></div>
  139.                       </div>
  140.                       <div class="x-calc-table-secondrow lchline">
  141.                         <div class="x-calc-table-row1">{{ }}</div>
  142.                         <div id="x-main-article-qty" class="x-calc-table-row2">1</div>
  143.                         <div id="x-main-article-price" class="x-calc-table-row3">{{ page.product.calculatedPrice.unitPrice|currency }}*</div>
  144.                       </div>
  145.                 </div> 
  146.                 <div class="xprice-netto-row">
  147.                     <div class="price-detail-netto-headline-table">Gesamtpreis Netto</div>
  148.                     <div class="x-full-price">{{ page.product.calculatedPrice.unitPrice|currency }}*</div>
  149.                 </div>
  150.                 <div class="xprice-brutto-row">
  151.                     <div class="price-detail-brutto-headline-table">Gesamtpreis Brutto</div>
  152.                     <div class="x-full-price-brutto">{{ brutto_price|currency }}</div>
  153.                 </div>
  154.                 <div class="product-detail-tax-container-table">
  155.                     {% if context.taxState == "gross" %}
  156.                         {% set taxText = "general.grossTaxInformation"|trans|sw_sanitize %}
  157.                     {% else %}
  158.                         {% set taxText = "general.netTaxInformation"|trans|sw_sanitize %}
  159.                     {% endif %}
  160.                     <p class="product-detail-tax">
  161.                         <a class="product-detail-tax-link"
  162.                            href="{{ path('',{ id: config('core.basicInformation.shippingPaymentInfoPage') }) }}"
  163.                            title="{{ taxText }}"
  164.                            data-toggle="modal"
  165.                            data-url="{{ path('',{ id: config('core.basicInformation.shippingPaymentInfoPage') }) }}">
  166.                             {{ taxText }}
  167.                         </a>
  168.                     </p>
  169.                 </div>
  170.             </div>
  171.         {% if %}
  172.             <div class="product-detail-form-container">
  173.                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget-form.html.twig' %}
  174.             </div>
  175.             <div class="product-detail-accessory-form-container">
  176.                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget-form-accessory.html.twig' %}
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  178.         {% endif %}
  179.         </div> 
  180.     </div>    
  181.     <div class="product-detail-tab-content" id="tab-info">
  182.         <p class="tab-info-headline">Ihre Ansprechpartner</p>
  183.         {% if page.product.productNumber == "parking" || page.product.productNumber == "industrial" ||
  184.         page.product.productNumber == "koloss" || page.product.productNumber == "solar" || page.product.productNumber == "parking3000" %}
  185.         <div class="tab-info-personcard">
  186.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-image">
  187.                 <img class="personcard-image" alt="Dubravka Bukna - Service, Wartung und Reparatur Bereich Absperrtechnik" src="/media/c9/6a/6e/1677056857/dubravka_bukna.jpg" alt="Frau Bukna" title="Frau Bukna">
  188.             </div>
  189.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-description">
  190.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-name">Dubravka Bukna</p>
  191.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-title">Ansprechpartner Absperrtechnik</p>
  192.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-phone"><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-15" href="tel:+4923731780915">+49 (0) 2373 17809-15<br></a></p>
  193.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-mail"><a title="E-Mail-Adresse Dubravka Bukna" href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
  194.             </div>
  195.         </div>
  196.         <div class="tab-info-personcard">
  197.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-image">
  198.                 <img class="personcard-image" alt="Sebastian Toth - Bereich Absperrtechnik/Zutrittskontrolle" src="/media/90/ef/af/1677056857/sebastian_toth.jpg" alt="Herr Toth" title="Herr Toth">
  199.             </div>
  200.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-description">
  201.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-name">Sebastian Toth</p>
  202.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-title">Ansprechpartner Absperrtechnik/Zutrittskontrolle</p>
  203.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-phone"><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-10" href="tel:+4923731780910">+49 (0) 2373 17809-10<br></a></p>
  204.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-mail"><a title="E-Mail-Adresse Sebastian Toth" href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
  205.             </div>
  206.         </div>        
  207.         {% else %}
  208.         <div class="tab-info-personcard">
  209.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-image">
  210.                 <img class="personcard-image" alt="Marion Wette - Produktmanagerin" src="/media/5f/67/80/1647334115/frau_wette.jpg" alt="Frau Wette" title="Frau Wette">
  211.             </div>
  212.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-description">
  213.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-name">Marion Wette</p>
  214.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-title">Produktmanagerin</p>
  215.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-phone"><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-11" href="tel:+4923731780911">+49 (0) 2373 17809-11<br></a></p>
  216.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-mail"><a title="E-Mail-Adresse Marion Wette" href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
  217.             </div>
  218.         </div>
  219.         <div class="tab-info-personcard">
  220.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-image">
  221.                 <img class="personcard-image" alt="Christian Preuß - Produktmanager" src="/media/f9/f0/29/1647334352/herr_preuss.jpg" alt="Herr Preuß" title="Herr Preuß">
  222.             </div>
  223.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-description">
  224.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-name">Christian Preuß</p>
  225.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-title">Produktmanager</p>
  226.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-phone"><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-0" href="tel:+492373178090">+49 (0) 2373 17809-0
  227.                 </a></p>
  228.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-mail"><a title="E-Mail-Adresse Christian Preuß" href="" target="_blank"></a><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-0" href="tel:+492373178090"></a></p>
  229.             </div>
  230.         </div>
  231.         {% endif %}
  232.         <div class="tab-info-personcard">
  233.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-image">
  234.                 <img class="personcard-image" alt="Florian Thier (Leiter Vetriebsinnendienst)" src="/media/cb/50/82/1647334507/herr_thier.jpg" alt="Herr Thier" title="Herr Thier">
  235.             </div>
  236.             <div class="tab-info-personcard-description">
  237.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-name">Florian Thier</p>
  238.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-title">Leiter Vetriebsinnendienst</p><p class="tab-info-personcard-description-phone"><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-0" href="tel:+492373178090">+49 (0) 2373 17809-0</a></p>
  239.                 <p class="tab-info-personcard-description-mail"><a title="E-Mail-Adresse Florian Thier" href=""></a><a title="+49 (0) 2373 17809-0" href="tel:+492373178090"></a></p>
  240.             </div>
  241.         </div>
  242.     </div>
  244.     <div class="product-detail-tab-content" id="tab-manufacturer">
  245.         <p class="tab-info-headline">Fragen Sie unverbindlich die aktuellen Staffelpreise und Mengenrabatte für diesen Artikel an.</p>
  246.         <p></p>
  247.         <div class="discount-button-container">
  248.             <a href="ür%20Artikel%20{{ }} &amp;body=Guten%20Tag,%0D%0A%0D%0AAnfrage%20zu%20Artikel%20{{ }}.%0D%0A%0D%0AGewünschte%20Menge:">
  249.                 <button class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-discount">E-Mail Anfrage stellen</button> 
  250.             </a>
  251.         </div>
  252.     </div>
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  513.                     //gtag('event', 'Konfigurator: '+productnumber, {
  514.                     //  'SCHRITT': steps
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  528.                 groupValues[num] = this.value;
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  533.         $("#xGroupValues").val(groupValues);
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  537.         groupIds = [];
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  558.     }
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  566.                 accessory_qty = $( this ).attr("data-qty");
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  568.                 fullprice = fullprice + full_accessory;
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  574.             fullprice = formatPrice(fullprice, "CHF*")
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  578.             fullprice = formatPrice(fullprice, "€*")            
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  581.         $(".x-full-price-brutto").html(fullprice_brutto);  
  582.     }
  584.     function formatPrice(num, currency) { 
  585.         var p = Number(num).toFixed(2).split("."); 
  586.         return p[0].split("").reverse().reduce(function(acc, num, i, orig) 
  587.         { 
  588.             return num + (i && !(i % 3) ? "." : "") + acc; 
  589.         } , "") + "," + p[1] + " "+ currency; 
  590.     } 
  591.     // Function to search for the option and trigger onchange if found
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  599.             searchTerm = 'herausnehmbar';
  600.         } 
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